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Resources for Carers Week 2023

Carers Week is an annual campaign that raises awareness and shows appreciation for the valuable contributions that unpaid carers make to their families, communities, and society as a whole. It is a week-long initiative that aims to highlight the challenges faced by carers and promote the support and resources available to them.

For 2023, we've created campaign materials that you can use to support your own campaign. You can download the videos and PDFs we’ve created below and use them on your own social media, website, email campaigns etc. The resources are provided in a compressed Zip file that will appear in the Downloads folder on your computer. From there you can deploy as needed.

Download in:

Downloads are supplied as MP4 and PDF files within Zip files. We recommend using macOS, Windows or iPadOS to open and use these assets. Mobile phones not recommended.

If you have any questions or difficulties please contact or fill in this form: